
What Do You Worship?

I started pondering this question early in the 2020 pandemic haze after watching the Netflix Series, “The Messiah.” A friend had recommended it so I dug in one Friday evening when I needed some non-thinking couch time. Surprisingly I found it entertaining and thought provoking, so much for non-thinking. Without going into all the thoughts,

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Why I Stopped Teaching Kundalini Yoga as Taught by Yogi Bhajan

This year (2020) has been a disruptive year for so many, including the Kundalini Yoga as Taught By Yogi Bhajan (“KYatbYB”) community. It’s important to note the distinction because there are others who teach or write about “Kundalini Yoga” which is very different from what Yogi Bhajan taught. In February, Pamela Dyson’s book, Premka: White

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Devoted to Love

When I was in high school, I had my first “real” confrontation with religion. My only previous religion-related confrontations being with my father or mother who were trying to get me out of bed early on a Sunday morning to go to church. In other words, not real confrontations. The “real” confrontation first appeared as I was preparing for confirmation.

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