Michelle Makarski

Michelle Makarski

Alexander Technique came into Michelle’s life by happy chance, just after she graduated university and was acutely feeling the wear and tear of rigorous professional training as a musician from an early age. From her first lesson, she knew she wanted to become a teacher of this work and she was blessed to study from the very beginning with many of the world’s most venerable and outstanding teachers. Blessings continued when she trained to become a Certified Teacher at the American Center for Alexander Technique in NYC, a three -year, full-time, intensive professional program which qualified her to transmit the Technique. Since then, she has been grateful to teach others the skills and understanding that have brought a far greater ease, awareness and joy to her own daily life and work, starting from the early days of her own study.

The demotion of time from an actual reality to a mere subjective experience or social convention is a major step toward comprehending the Kosmos.”